Find the bestoffer for your
e-store tender

Compare offers from verified suppliers and find the best deal for any service your platform needs. Quick, easy and money-saving, your match made in business heaven is only a few clicks away
Compare among verified suppliers

Find your perfect deal
the smart way

Filter the service you need, choose your criteria and get your popcorn ready - you are about to find the best deal for your business. Welcome to Bruxum, a really cool service comparison tool that will match you with suppliers for free.

Practical comparisons

compare who offers the best deal for the services you need and let your selected supplier(s) know you are interested

Deals you won't find anywhere else

because every supplier does their best to win you as their client

Verified suppliers only

all listed suppliers are verified and come with ratings from other customers

Money and time-saving

don´t complicate your search for an ideal supplier, we got you covered. All this for free!

Introducing the ultimate supplier comparison tool

Discover how the whole process of connecting your business with the desired service supplier works and why is it beneficial for both sides. Hundreds of best suppliers ready to compete to win you as their client. Find out how Bruxum makes its magic happen.

Introducing the ultimate supplier comparison tool

Comparing offers with filtered details side-by-side

From pricing to customer reviews, compare all features side-by-side with highlighted recommendations and screenshot previews for better insight. Customize your own comparison as you wish.

Comparing offers with filtered details side-by-side

Matching you with great deals & strong partnerships

We are proud to have already helped over 200 stores finding their ideal suppliers and connected them for long-term partnerships. Join them and find your ideal supplier now.

Matching you with great deals & strong partnerships
Connecting multiple industries


Payment solutions
Payment solutions
Marketing services
Marketing services
Courier solutions
Courier solutions
Translation & localization
Translation & localization

Hundreds of e-stores found their perfect match

“Bruxum matched me with the best marketing services. I had no time to compare all the providers and had no idea how it worked, instead I registered here and I was honestly surprised how smooth it was. I was shown several comparisons, chose the most convinient one and in a week I had my ads and PR running. Now I´m like a walking ad for Bruxum because of my own experience  .”

Jan Zahradnik, CEO Art of Building


How does Bruxum work?
Connect with the best suppliers for any service you need. Filter services you are looking for, set any additional criteria (such as price range, needed plugins, location, etc.) and let the search begin. Bruxum will show you smart suppliers´ comparisons with tailored recommendations. Once you choose the best offer, your selected supplier will be notified and will contact you soon to discuss the rest. All this for free? You are welcome!
Is all of my personal data safe?
We meet all the necessary security requirements. Your data is 100% safe all the time. If you have further questions, we are always here for you at
How much does it cost? Is it really free?
We will search suppliers who offer services you need, compare their offers with recommendations and connect you with the best of your choice FOR FREE. Yes, that´s right, Bruxum is really that cool.
What if I get connected with a supplier who doesn´t fulfill conditions we agreed on?
Bruxum connects you with the best suppliers for free. Specific conditions are agreed on between the two of you, however if you have any suspicions or complaints about the supplier, please let us know so we can take action against the unreliable supplier.